I don’t knock other Dommes for doing whatever it is they want to do with their sessions (pro and/or lifestyle) that have come up in the ranks of their Domme-dom. HOWEVER, I do knock the whores with ropes and whips who aren’t educated themselves in what Domination is vs. what it isn’t and just basically do things that are quite contrary to what BDSM is and what it could be betwixt safe sane and consensual parties. On top of other implications that could be detrimental to the way of business for other good/great Professional Dominas (and Professional submissives for that matter as there is a market) within the realms of KINK.
Once again, I will reiterate for you the reader that may be ‘vanilla’ (aka someone who isn’t in to this ‘style of life’ or so you may not be aware that in fact you are lol) the fact that ‘these people’ are amongst us. They work, talk with, walk with, us. A lot of people I meet greet and session with are ‘normal’. This is not about degrading or chastising anyone for what they ‘think’ they like. However, having a sex positive attitude towards themselves and in this case BDSM/Kink is my concern because this is one of the many things I do.
BUT for those that wonder what a ‘bad day at work’ is like…this is the more milder side of a bad day considerably. As I look up at the ceiling, crack my knuckles and begin this entry. This is about oral servitude. Quotes from so called wanna be do me subs "Oh Domina please let me eat your ass, please let me suck your pussy"... "I want to eat you out" blah blah blah...
I had to put out a fetish community PSA on one of my forums regarding this subject.
1 – Gaining audience with a EDUCATED Professional Domina would garner a level of decorum so NO that's not gonna happen for the safety of ME first and then the safety of you.
2 - Although I'm advertised as a Pro-Domme, I am also acclimated to the Lifestyle and in either case WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT TO HAVE JUST ANY TOM DICK AND HAIRY BALLS TOUCHING & TASTING MY TREASURES!?? I mean seriously... part of being a Domme is having/exuding responsibility in myself and self respect first and foremost. I do not know where you've been, I do not know where your mouth or fingers have been, I do not know you AND more than half of you wanna be do me subs have piss fucking poor mouth hygiene! Seriously, your mouths aren’t even suitable for maggots to claim residence.
3 - Not every Domme equates 'servitude' with cuming down the throat of a sub/slave. I personally and professionally enjoy the interaction of sessions without that part as that is not on the menu of things I offer.
Something has to remain 'sacred' and that part of intimacy is indeed sacred to me despite some folks thinking that just because it's in the pot of 'fetish' and I'm dealing in a 'pay for play' position that I'm not 'real' because I don't indulge in that part. Some of you MEN-CHILDREN....seriously stop being idiotic animals and really think with your brains (despite most parts of your feeble minds are perhaps majorly dysfunctional).
Yes, it’s not all ass whipping fun and games. As in the style of Life in general, you must draw your lines in the sand as to what you will or wont do. Vanilla, chocolate, corporate, BDSM or anything you embark upon.
As always, I honor what I do and I still do what I do out of the love of my craft and inevitably my growth in this realm and beyond.
Please feel free to email me at audacityof@gmail.com . If you say it/ask it; I will respond honestly and sincerely.
You can also follow my general ‘Clark Kent’ shenanigans via Twitter http://twitter.com/Audacity_Of. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at audacityof@gmail.com so I can find you.
Coming very soon Audacity Of… via YouTube, live video webinars & blogtalkradio.com
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo, however one can never be too sure. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**first & last photo captured by Holly Daggers**