Oh 'shy sheep's' in wolf's clothing in this particular entry. I swear if there's one thing I do not dig in particular in the Professional circuit it's the 'gents' who attempt to Top from the bottom. That is an expression associated with folks who solely seek
their own gratification through means of 'submitting' when they're really bottoms who don't have etiquette or concept of Dominance.
Some of you may be asking, "What's the difference. Whelp your 'average' (I say that loosely) bottom or kinkster has a theme/fantasy in mind and quite often it's particular in nature. They like/lust/love what they enjoy without all the other features/learning within Kink D/s BDSM attributes. Unlike the submissive/slave who feels/knows that their gratification is granted as rewards for their service. The submissive relinquishes control completely and entrusts the Dom/Domme knows best how to push personal envelopes while enjoying the liberties of being in careful hands so to speak.
In a 'pay for play' stance, some folks sometimes feel "I should get what I pay for" Sure...however, the delicate balance within Professional D/s, the general rules STILL APPLY regarding ensuring that BOTH the Dom/Domme and the bottom/sub are equally satisfied in accordance to the session they've agreed upon. As there's the saying, without a responsive bottom/sub/slave, the Dom/Domme somewhat ceases to exist in the two way street of D/s relations. For the Pro Domme who truly enjoys sessioning, it is always about maintaining that balance despite the notion of being paid. It can get tricky hence why I often say I professionally purvey Kink/fantasies within the Art of Domination.
If you remember a few blogs back, I expressed a dislike for play scenes that are too scripted. Here's another 'fashionable play write' who wished to session with me...
Dear Mistress,
Your ad did not contain your name,
I am a leather fetishist who loves to worship beautiful women such as yourself wearing leather.
Enclosed are my session notes for your consideration. If you consent to allow me to submit to you
let me know your tribute for an hour and where you are located.
Subject: session notes
i am a fetishist and not a masochist and do not enjoy pain at all.
WOULD YOU WEAR A Leather OUTFIT and black
leather thigh high boots If you have long leather gloves it would be nice
items needed-collar,leash and a light flogger
i might even be shaky.
To help me feel more comfortable could YOU allow me a HUG.(very important)
This usually puts me at ease after a short
time. The way YOU will see me has
nothing to do with YOU.
i am UNCOMFORTABLE with my submissive side and it causes the nervousness.
Don't get the wrong idea but the HUG will really help if YOU
are willing. i hope YOU are compassionate enough to understand.
After the HUG it will not take me long to
calm down and get back to myself.
Once we begin our time together i will be fine.
A face slap or two would be helpful
It is IMPORTANT that we begin our session this way.
It should only take 3 minutes.Leaving you 57 minutes to take possession of me.
Enter the room with a stern look and immediately place a COLLAR around my
neck and pull on it and tell me as long as i wear this collar you own me.
Attach the leash and Pull real HARD on the
leash and put my face in the cup
of YOUR hand.
If you wish several face slaps will add to the session
Make me look into YOUR eyes and tell me that
i am now YOUR slave and i must obey what ever
YOU say. Ask me if i understand. Then force me on the floor and place your
booted foot on my cheek and repeat what YOU just told me.
If you like YOU can press down firmly with YOUR heel and pull
real HARD on the leash and then kick me several times.
Then order me to clean YOUR leather boots.
i am certain with YOUR experience YOU will
know what to do. This whole thing should take about 3 minutes
plus the time YOU need for me to clean YOUR boots to YOUR satisfaction.
i will now be soooooo submissive and ready for YOU to enjoy yourself.
By starting EXACTLY this way i will be the most submissive slave YOU have
ever encountered.
THINGS I LIKE But can be offered at Your discretion or NOT be off
To be hugged
To kiss Your butt
To kiss any part of Your body
The touch of leather
For you to touch my face
Rub my stomach
Rub my butt in circles
To be told i am a good slave
To be told i have pleased you
To have the leash pulled real hard or just the collar
To be kicked in the butt with your knee
Any contact with Your boots
To be stroked behind the ear
I hope it will not take you so long to respond

Whoa is me to fantastic idiots in the kinky village.
this guy is "UNCOMFORTABLE with [his] submissive side." Oh come now...how many Mistresses has he seen with this contradictory cut and paste self serving doctrine? Along with the fact that it says in plain print on my ads,
I'm a Sensual Sadist! Although I'm very capable of playing in the 'Softer Side of Kink', part of sadism for me is to administer of pain pleasurably (levels vary). I could've easily told him to howl n gargle on some silicon nuts with this fantastically fanatical bullshit. BUT that would not be the Audacious Aura that you the reader and me the writer have grown to admire and adore within my Domme-dom.

In customary Aura-dacity style and grace, my reply went as follows...
'wolf', is it?
Apparently in topping from the bottom in 'shy sheep's clothing'.
Although this is D/s in the professional sense, PLEASE let me stress to you I am a Lifestyle Domme who purveys levels of Kink D/s Artfully as I am indeed naturally a Sensual Sadist. I was brought into the BDSM fold with some of the sensibilities of the 'Old Guard' while growing with 'new eyes' in the present. Even in fulfilling themed requests, I still maintain the balance of control from one who wishes to submit.
My ad didn't contain my name because I enjoy speaking with people vocally (with adherence to my enjoyment of time and genre of conversation). But emails are just as effective due to my penchant for writing.
I'm elated that you are a leather fetishist who loves to worship beautiful Women wearing leather. However, Your session notes are entirely TOO SCRIPTED which comes across as topping from the bottom. I have a GRAVE DISDAIN for such behavior.
Your "session notes" means you are solely interested in filling faces into the 'role' as oppose to someone who can enlighten and delight herself through/with your 'theme'. What is a Dominant without full knowledge and control of herself and her pleasures first sensually and/or corporal inclined? She's a leaf blowing in the wind of others intent and that's NOT me. I'm fair but I'm FIRM in mind body and Spirit as I'm keenly aware of who and how I am.
Although this is a 'paid' notion of D/s, I'm the one who still dictates and controls the particulars within the theme and one who bottoms, or submits entrusts that he or she will walk away well cared for as I will walk away with more knowledge and understanding along with my appetite fulfilled. I appreciate you feeling compelled to reach out to me. However, this aspect of your "session notes" is not appreciated quite frankly. I understand that you like what you like within the limits and scope of what you're seeking. However, you must understand that a Woman of my stature is NOT a cookie cutter Domme.
I will have to decline your request to gain further audience with me at this present time.
I do wish you the best of luck on your continued search.
Best, I probably could've attempted to 'flip the script'. However, the 'client dictate' is TOO SCRIPTED. I have no qualms with hugging someone even in a D/s realm if I so choose to. However, to TELL me that one would become most submissive by following "EXACT" steps is ludicrous and quite frankly disrespectful to those such as myself who have a keen sense of who and how we are within the catalyst of D/s. What he failed to realize about himself is the 'simple' fact that we (
Professional and/or 'private' Dom/Dommes and/or submissives who respect the 'rules within the mental sensibilities of this craft) are exploratory THINKING and FEELING individuals within the collective BDSM community.
I'm actually Twitter friendly although I may be streaming random thoughts in my own altered states of my reality. Feel free to find me there http://twitter.com/Audacity_Of where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at audacityof@gmail.com so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**3rd & 4th photos captured by Holly Daggers for Wet Circuit LIC**