BUT before I get to my 'song n dance', I must say thank you in advance to dearest Abiola 'Passionista' Abrams and Kristal 'The Texas Dred' Mosley for inviting me to joyfully enter her world on L.S.D (Love, Sex, Dating and/or Drama). For those who have missed the edu-taining episode 15, please feel free to copy and paste this link underneath the photo and be ready to laugh along with us.

Grand Greetings Sultry Sensual Salutations once again dear kinksters & kinkstresses. Thank you for permitting me to detain your moments in time to read about a few ticks on my clock.
There are two main sentiments and/or queries I enthusiastically receive; "I want to be trained to be a Dominatrix." Or, "How can I make money being a Dominatrix."
I feel it's utterly necessary to at least begin the dialog now considering I'm gaining new audience members via this blog and I'm engaging in more exhibition play outside of the 'normal' BDSM scene such as my first home; Urban Erotika and other forums/stages I appear on.
Although I engage in Professional Domination partly for a living; I also indulge in this realm for the like/love and appreciation of the Art generally speaking. Some days I like it, but most days I love it. Like most 'jobs' people do I suppose. However, this is not something to be taken lightly whether private pleasure or public purveyor ship. There is A LOT of information (and mis-information) out there in the world and if someone is training with me (private/purveyor), I need to be responsible for myself as well as who I'm potentially bestowing vital information. It is a learning process for us both (as I can Graciously admit I do not know everything and I'm still perfecting my craft as time proceeds. Part of being a great teacher is also being a great student no matter how long you've been in the game.)
There are those within the 'lifestyle' who feel that Professional Dominants (or Professional submissives) ruin the 'organic nature' of Dominance. Not entirely true if you are in the know of the psychology and sensitive sensibilities surrounding this intimate area of 'expertise'. ESPECIALLY if you truly like/love what you're doing. I sometimes get flack for revealing that I purvey my brands of kink within some circles. Doesn't leave a warm and fuzzy feeling I can tell ya. I was at one event and I became figuratively surrounded by a barrage of questions from fellow Dominas asking, "how can you proclaim to be lifestyle if you're making money?" Are you here (at the party) to make money?" and all the other questions that become a hint more intrusive instead of delightful insightful banter between Dominas. Now I will admit I went to do a bit of research regarding how parties of this magnitude are created (vibes, general aesthetics etc...as I do have a silent goal to introduce BDSM/Kink to the broader spectrum audience (those who aren't in the life but want to dip their toes in the pool ;o) But I also went to the party to meet and greet fellow Dominas, play with selected submissives of interest and more so to get 'outdoors' so to speak considering that 'side' of me is in the open. Going to a 'regular' club with someone on a leash might not go over so well all the time. Sometimes you just want to be around like minds in an atmosphere that's conducive to letting your hair down (or leash lol).
BUT I slightly digress from the course of this blog. As I 'shake the money tree', there are the main thoughts I internally rock my whip to...
1 - Personal check on myself - personal head space. Knowing who and how I am first and foremost and always conducting a personal 'check and balance'. I DO NOT work under the influence of personal issues (going into a session overtly angry even if it's a ball busting wail on someone's ass incessantly) or anything else for that matter. I'm dealing with other people's lives inevitably and I NEED to be on point (even if some of the patrons are ignorant to that fact. Someone has to be the voice of reason especially if they're wishing experience my brand of Domination). Safe, Sane and Consensual play is very relative on all scales.
2 - Solicitation, sales and marketing - effective strategies in appropriate markets/forums. KNOWING your levels of expertise where and how to market yourself effectively. There's so many forums and I have to figure/factor those things.
3 - Psychology - mentally and physically. Gage, meet & greet of potential patrons. COMMUNICATING effectively in regards to what realms of their kink they are wishing to experience.
Wearing kick ass clothes and beating up on people IS NOT a reason to engage in this realm. Thinking this is some get money quick scheme IS NOT a reason to engage in this realm on a professional stance. That is if you intend on enjoying what you do. If you're thinking those things, you better sit your ass down and really rethink your reasons and what you wish to get out of it. If you 'come in' under those pretenses, you will not have a good time with it personally and especially professionally. Although fun, THIS IS A MENTALLY INCLINED style of life out of the many styles of life (aka lifestyles).
I am formulating teaching/training/hands on workshops seminars/webinars for those who want to know realms of kink/BDSM with those who are interested in either the personal play and/or professional sides. Please know, you must invest in yourself if you REALLY want to stretch your minds and grow in your kinky spirits.

NEXT MONTH SATURDAY 10/9, you can indulge your curiosity and join me your resident Kinktress along with the Grand Sexologist (no really she's officially an honorary P.H.D-er within human sexuality) Dr. S. Denise Chislom for a SEXXXY Edu-taining experience.(all pertinent information to be disclosed upon YOU confirming your attendance.) http://sensoriumofsexuality.weebly.com
Hey you curiously kinky one, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there http://twitter.com/Audacity_Of where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at audacityof@gmail.com so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010