Top Mid or Bottom of the day to you and thank you for visiting yet another fine moment of The Domme Diaries. My multidimensional musings are brought to you by the good creators of coffee. Yep, 'they sleep we grind' is a Living Artist's motto and I can attest to that. I can't help it if I wanted to. I enjoy funneling, feeding, and feeling the energies that make these moments possible.
If you're a new subscriber/follower of The Domme Diaries, a most sincere welcome to this part of kink-ville where I enthusiastically share my thoughts, deeds and experiences with your lovely eyes and perhaps your partially virginal mind.
In this 'Domme Diary' entry, I'll be taking you on a short 'school' trip. Destination, Dungeon town (why is the song "Funky Town" moving through my head at this moment? ;o). In this realm of purveyor-ship/style of life, when I suggest to a potential client that a Dungeon space can be utilized if they cannot host or meeting greeting and beating for whatever 'personal' reasons, I'm often met with opposition to the notion. Being an Independent Pro-Domme, I've always asked why and the responses I usually receive are "Dungeons are so commercial" Or, "I'm scared that we're not really playing in private." Or, "I just don't like it". Some/most of these potential playmates haven't even ventured inside an actual Dungeon. They are solely going off of notions of 'lack of an intimate experience'. Or some/most of the 'resident Dominas' lack the proper training/personality mentally and instrumentally. There's a few other random thoughts that may be partially valid, but for me personally; the people I encounter simply do not understand or rather they are ignorant the workings of a proper Dungeon experience in general.
ah nothing says 'higher learning' than a short Dungeon room tour set to classical music ;o)
Legal Eagles and the commerce of Dungeons
There have been many tales of wow and woe hit quite a few areas of 'commercial' Dungeons over the years due to irresponsible actions/judgments of a few Dominas/Management. In my personal opinion, it's the 'decency laws' (state/country laws vary) that place fantasy clubs that do not engage in sexual intercourse per say, but attempt to dictate what inevitably goes on in (and outside)appropriate venues. Even in your very own personal bedrooms. Unfortunately, quite a few Dungeons have had issues of mis-guided/Mis-informed Mistresses and mis-used facilities where most management/owners only care about the 'bottom line$'. When Dungeons are shut down, usually it's because someone made a grave mistake out of financial desperation for whatever reason and a case was built up against the facilities to begin with. The BDSM/Kink community is rather 'small' in the more tight knit hardcore circles and it can be a viral blemish that's hard to bounce back from. From a legal standpoint, sex workers (yes Professional Domination falls under that category and double jeopardy ensues when very unfavorable things happen as most things if done for monetary reasons is deemed prostitution. One most definitely must be abreast of the working laws applicable in your state/city. A lot of the laws are not clear cut (or easily researched quite frankly) and with more and more 'Dominas' who are NOT really in it for the ART &/or the self expression of KINK D/s, the more terrible mishaps occur. This makes it extremely difficult for Dommes like myself who innately have it within them and wish to venture into kink whether personally or professionally. As some of these 'laws' can cross over into the personal space as well. There has been quite a few cases where couples have played in the 'privacy' of their own homes only to be penalized and ostracized by the judicial system.
Nonetheless, most Dungeons often times provide a neutral private play space for both Dominants and submissives. They also enable both parties to become engulfed in the fantasy/scene they want to experience. There are quite a few across the country that are safe, well maintained and efficiently equipped for most safe sane and consensual play either in the 'lifestyle' and 'Professional' realms. Most are located discreetly in fairly accessible commercial buildings upon following proper protocol such as placing an appointment to either be serviced by resident Dominas. Or in certain Dungeons, you can rent space out by the hour for a private session with an Independent Domina (or couples).
Hmmm I foresee a Dungeon visit in the near future as it's been a little while since I've been on that dance floor ;o)
Hey you curiously kinky one, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**last photo captured by Devin Allen for Devin Allen Photography**
Dynamically informative! Great post.