Nonetheless, I'm still enjoying my realm as I spank myself into motion. I've managed to muster up a anecdote to titillate, stimulate or perhaps just put your brain on 'oh shit' mode for a moment.
Buckem Bronco is who I am in this particular tale lol. Some of you may remember the 'Real Sex' episode on HBO (many many and one more many years ago) with the 'Pony Ranch' where there were men and women who dressed up as horses and were either being trained and actually ridden via back or shoulders. Or you can just view this clip for a visual refresher compliments of the Museum of Sex if you're unsure about what I'm talking about. Please click this link href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5V1LWy799g">
Yes, there are people (men and women) who are so much into the Equestrian Arts that they themselves wish to transfer/transmit and emulate feelings of being the horse. Being an Celestial Centaur aka Sagittarius, I can somewhat relate to the spirit of horses but I digress... From what I gathered through experience, it isn't about the sex of horseplay (people having sex with horses is GROSS in MY SANE opinion). But it does have to do with the mentality and physically being catered to and 'controlled' by the 'superior'. Although real life horses have the strength of many many Woman (&/or men), they submit themselves within trusting hands of their desired/chosen 'Masters'. The same kind of sensibility applies when engaging in this kind of play with another human. It's within the 'performance' of adorning the riding props (bridles, brow bands, reins, saddles and of course my favorite tool a ridding crop) on to the submissive. To engage in this kind of play as well as all forms of role playing scenarios, the Domme/Dom has to be able to exhibit and execute the emotional transference of this kind of play.

Here's his lovely letter to thee...
Dear Goddess,
I enjoyed reading your ad and I can tell you are someone of great stature by your photos and written demeanor. I'm usually very dominant on the outside but I have this fetish that brings me great joy and I'd like to experience it with you. I'm SM (single male), early 40's, good body and very respectful. I enjoy lift and carry sessions, spankings, boot worship, and horse play. I noticed you're into leash and collar puppy play but I wonder if you like horses? I have a lot of my own gear so that wouldn't be a problem. I just like to have a strong Black Goddess' on my back while she commands me to do whatever she wants.
Please let me know if this is something you desire.
Your Pleasure Pony
I often times compare my Spirit to a horse roaming the fields, gazing and grazing at the possibilities of life lol. I thought to myself that this could be fun if he can indeed be the proper horse. I remember being a little girl getting pony rides from my uncles, but this was far from those fond childhood memories ;o) I'm a tall woman and have a solid physic so I wondered just how this was going to play out since I only saw the potential pony boy via photo.
The day came to finally see my little pony and he was indeed a bit smaller than me lol. I'm 5'11 and he was 5'7". So I knew I was in for a comically delightful session of sorts. He definitely didn't disappoint with the equestrian equipment. We started off with a very naked 'pony'. What naked pony isn't complete with one of these too.

He and I had a great time with this particular role play. As I stated a couple of entries back, I'm not a Shakespearean kind of role playing Woman. But this one is indeed one of my favorites. Plus I look good in ass-less chaps ;o) (no picture of that yet dear voyeurs)
Hey there, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there http://twitter.com/Audacity_Of. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at audacityof@gmail.com so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo
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