Delightful Domination Continues...
July 1, 2012
December 28, 2010
An Audacious Year of....
The Photo Shoots (Dominista, Fetish or just expressions of parts of my world)
Prized pets I've met, (may we link in the future dearest)
1 performance I wont forget ( Mo Beasley's Urban Erotica at the Bowery & Jersey City)
1 performance regret (November UE...sincerest apologies for my absence),
Sitting in rooms with great views from the Great Renair of Vaginese, Ask Arielle and the Wonderfully Loud n Audacious Goddess of Love Sex Dating and Drama Abiola TV
The endless material that some idiotic and beautiful fellow Doms/Dommes bottoms, subs, and kinky ones bestow (that continues at this very hour mind ya lol)
The interestingly great sessions that I have rain sleet hail or snow
Cheers to the road to Seminar/Webinar bazaars ( Audacious Grand Thank You to The Grand Sexologist S. Denise Chisolm. I do hope to meet greet and learn with new kinsters/kinkstresses who seek to learn a lil something
to feel a lil something
to treat themselves to a lil something different
which isn't so different come to think of it when the main message in all realms is Love...
Loving the skin you're in
Loving the kink within
These have been The tasty tales of The Domme Diaries.
SINCEREST THANK YOU for enjoying this year with me.

the fantasy continues...
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few grand idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo
Audacity Of… © 2010
Prized pets I've met, (may we link in the future dearest)
1 performance I wont forget ( Mo Beasley's Urban Erotica at the Bowery & Jersey City)
1 performance regret (November UE...sincerest apologies for my absence),
Sitting in rooms with great views from the Great Renair of Vaginese, Ask Arielle and the Wonderfully Loud n Audacious Goddess of Love Sex Dating and Drama Abiola TV
The endless material that some idiotic and beautiful fellow Doms/Dommes bottoms, subs, and kinky ones bestow (that continues at this very hour mind ya lol)
The interestingly great sessions that I have rain sleet hail or snow
Cheers to the road to Seminar/Webinar bazaars ( Audacious Grand Thank You to The Grand Sexologist S. Denise Chisolm. I do hope to meet greet and learn with new kinsters/kinkstresses who seek to learn a lil something
to feel a lil something
to treat themselves to a lil something different
which isn't so different come to think of it when the main message in all realms is Love...
Loving the skin you're in
Loving the kink within
These have been The tasty tales of The Domme Diaries.
SINCEREST THANK YOU for enjoying this year with me.

Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few grand idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo
Audacity Of… © 2010
December 1, 2010
Wolf in Shy Sheep's Clothing...

Oh 'shy sheep's' in wolf's clothing in this particular entry. I swear if there's one thing I do not dig in particular in the Professional circuit it's the 'gents' who attempt to Top from the bottom. That is an expression associated with folks who solely seek their own gratification through means of 'submitting' when they're really bottoms who don't have etiquette or concept of Dominance.
Some of you may be asking, "What's the difference. Whelp your 'average' (I say that loosely) bottom or kinkster has a theme/fantasy in mind and quite often it's particular in nature. They like/lust/love what they enjoy without all the other features/learning within Kink D/s BDSM attributes. Unlike the submissive/slave who feels/knows that their gratification is granted as rewards for their service. The submissive relinquishes control completely and entrusts the Dom/Domme knows best how to push personal envelopes while enjoying the liberties of being in careful hands so to speak.
In a 'pay for play' stance, some folks sometimes feel "I should get what I pay for" Sure...however, the delicate balance within Professional D/s, the general rules STILL APPLY regarding ensuring that BOTH the Dom/Domme and the bottom/sub are equally satisfied in accordance to the session they've agreed upon. As there's the saying, without a responsive bottom/sub/slave, the Dom/Domme somewhat ceases to exist in the two way street of D/s relations. For the Pro Domme who truly enjoys sessioning, it is always about maintaining that balance despite the notion of being paid. It can get tricky hence why I often say I professionally purvey Kink/fantasies within the Art of Domination.
If you remember a few blogs back, I expressed a dislike for play scenes that are too scripted. Here's another 'fashionable play write' who wished to session with me...
Dear Mistress,
Your ad did not contain your name,
I am a leather fetishist who loves to worship beautiful women such as yourself wearing leather.
Enclosed are my session notes for your consideration. If you consent to allow me to submit to you
let me know your tribute for an hour and where you are located.
Subject: session notes
i am a fetishist and not a masochist and do not enjoy pain at all.
WOULD YOU WEAR A Leather OUTFIT and black
leather thigh high boots If you have long leather gloves it would be nice
items needed-collar,leash and a light flogger
i might even be shaky.
To help me feel more comfortable could YOU allow me a HUG.(very important)
This usually puts me at ease after a short
time. The way YOU will see me has
nothing to do with YOU.
i am UNCOMFORTABLE with my submissive side and it causes the nervousness.
Don't get the wrong idea but the HUG will really help if YOU
are willing. i hope YOU are compassionate enough to understand.
After the HUG it will not take me long to
calm down and get back to myself.
Once we begin our time together i will be fine.
A face slap or two would be helpful
It is IMPORTANT that we begin our session this way.
It should only take 3 minutes.Leaving you 57 minutes to take possession of me.
Enter the room with a stern look and immediately place a COLLAR around my
neck and pull on it and tell me as long as i wear this collar you own me.
Attach the leash and Pull real HARD on the
leash and put my face in the cup
of YOUR hand.
If you wish several face slaps will add to the session
Make me look into YOUR eyes and tell me that
i am now YOUR slave and i must obey what ever
YOU say. Ask me if i understand. Then force me on the floor and place your
booted foot on my cheek and repeat what YOU just told me.
If you like YOU can press down firmly with YOUR heel and pull
real HARD on the leash and then kick me several times.
Then order me to clean YOUR leather boots.
i am certain with YOUR experience YOU will
know what to do. This whole thing should take about 3 minutes
plus the time YOU need for me to clean YOUR boots to YOUR satisfaction.
i will now be soooooo submissive and ready for YOU to enjoy yourself.
By starting EXACTLY this way i will be the most submissive slave YOU have
ever encountered.
THINGS I LIKE But can be offered at Your discretion or NOT be off
To be hugged
To kiss Your butt
To kiss any part of Your body
The touch of leather
For you to touch my face
Rub my stomach
Rub my butt in circles
To be told i am a good slave
To be told i have pleased you
To have the leash pulled real hard or just the collar
To be kicked in the butt with your knee
Any contact with Your boots
To be stroked behind the ear
I hope it will not take you so long to respond
Whoa is me to fantastic idiots in the kinky village.
this guy is "UNCOMFORTABLE with [his] submissive side." Oh come many Mistresses has he seen with this contradictory cut and paste self serving doctrine? Along with the fact that it says in plain print on my ads, I'm a Sensual Sadist! Although I'm very capable of playing in the 'Softer Side of Kink', part of sadism for me is to administer of pain pleasurably (levels vary). I could've easily told him to howl n gargle on some silicon nuts with this fantastically fanatical bullshit. BUT that would not be the Audacious Aura that you the reader and me the writer have grown to admire and adore within my Domme-dom.

In customary Aura-dacity style and grace, my reply went as follows...
'wolf', is it?
Apparently in topping from the bottom in 'shy sheep's clothing'.
Although this is D/s in the professional sense, PLEASE let me stress to you I am a Lifestyle Domme who purveys levels of Kink D/s Artfully as I am indeed naturally a Sensual Sadist. I was brought into the BDSM fold with some of the sensibilities of the 'Old Guard' while growing with 'new eyes' in the present. Even in fulfilling themed requests, I still maintain the balance of control from one who wishes to submit.
My ad didn't contain my name because I enjoy speaking with people vocally (with adherence to my enjoyment of time and genre of conversation). But emails are just as effective due to my penchant for writing.
I'm elated that you are a leather fetishist who loves to worship beautiful Women wearing leather. However, Your session notes are entirely TOO SCRIPTED which comes across as topping from the bottom. I have a GRAVE DISDAIN for such behavior.
Your "session notes" means you are solely interested in filling faces into the 'role' as oppose to someone who can enlighten and delight herself through/with your 'theme'. What is a Dominant without full knowledge and control of herself and her pleasures first sensually and/or corporal inclined? She's a leaf blowing in the wind of others intent and that's NOT me. I'm fair but I'm FIRM in mind body and Spirit as I'm keenly aware of who and how I am.
Although this is a 'paid' notion of D/s, I'm the one who still dictates and controls the particulars within the theme and one who bottoms, or submits entrusts that he or she will walk away well cared for as I will walk away with more knowledge and understanding along with my appetite fulfilled. I appreciate you feeling compelled to reach out to me. However, this aspect of your "session notes" is not appreciated quite frankly. I understand that you like what you like within the limits and scope of what you're seeking. However, you must understand that a Woman of my stature is NOT a cookie cutter Domme.
I will have to decline your request to gain further audience with me at this present time.
I do wish you the best of luck on your continued search.
I probably could've attempted to 'flip the script'. However, the 'client dictate' is TOO SCRIPTED. I have no qualms with hugging someone even in a D/s realm if I so choose to. However, to TELL me that one would become most submissive by following "EXACT" steps is ludicrous and quite frankly disrespectful to those such as myself who have a keen sense of who and how we are within the catalyst of D/s. What he failed to realize about himself is the 'simple' fact that we (Professional and/or 'private' Dom/Dommes and/or submissives who respect the 'rules within the mental sensibilities of this craft) are exploratory THINKING and FEELING individuals within the collective BDSM community.
I'm actually Twitter friendly although I may be streaming random thoughts in my own altered states of my reality. Feel free to find me there where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**3rd & 4th photos captured by Holly Daggers for Wet Circuit LIC**
Art Erotica,
November 21, 2010
Forward Movement - Learning Curves

Top,middle, or the bottom of the day to you wonderful voyagers of the kinky tundra and beyond. As usual customary thanks for all those who've come into my sphere of being, doing, learning and growing. Also thank you to the new point and clickers from here to London and Sweden. Yes y'all, I received a warm shout out from those two places on the map.
It is officially year 3 of this independently outwardly Human sense-ploration of the kinky kind for me and must say it has been an uphill movement like the little yodeling cliff hanger dude from the price is right . Minus the falling off the mountain though lol. As my personal ambition is in full throttle and goals shift with new points of view; I must say I'm humbly grateful to be able to share these moments with you. To express these dynamics of D/s, kink, and BDSM as a Human experience is a gift.
Speaking of gifts, the gift of learning is always present. I've recently sought out some Domme-ly guidance from peers who are crafts Women and men within the scope of BDSM and I gotta tell ya, although I know quite a bit, I'm ALWAYS learning something new whether it's a skill (e.g. Proper Needle Play 102-103 as Artistic Expression)

Or becoming more acclimated within the different sensibilities of the Lifestyle scene. Although I'm not one to frequent any one place or space at any given time, I realize that establishing and maintaining a sincere presence within the community and the Art that I represent is imperative.
There are also the submissive/slave dynamic that I'm constantly learning about on both sides of the spectrum. Being a Dommissive (Dominant in many areas of my life and profession; submissive with my chosen 'Dom'/intimate life).

It's important to me since I personally identify myself and all that I do within the lifestyle (not just the busy business bottoms/kinksters)to convey that we are living breathing THINKING & feeling Spirits. Although my Diaries consist of tails of triumph and few fellow follies, There is much respect given and received from both Dom/Domme and submissives.
The Great Lifestyle Doms/Dommes who some happen to be on the Professional scenes aren't the ones who have the most clients or the ones who have a massive stable of subs/slaves. They aren't the ones who have all the equipment and Fetish Fashions and show up at all the play parties. The Great lifestyle Doms/Dommes where some of them are on the Professional sides are the ones who can RELATE in and outside of the realms of kink D/s BDSM within a HUMAN scope of thinking being and doing. When I started this blog it was with the notion of inviting a few into the fold of my travels and thoughts in a subject that has so many layers and has so many outward and/or obscure viewpoints. The Great Lifestyle and/or Professional Dom/Dommes have a keen sense of of themselves through the catalyst of kink. They overstand the importance of growth through learning and being responsible within themselves and their counterparts. Essentially, I am my kinky brothers/Sister's keeper.
Hey you curiously kinky one, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**1st photo captured by Holly Daggers for Wet Circuit LIC**
**2nd photo captured by Aeric Meredith-Goudon**
**3rd photo captured by Phantom Photos for Audacity Of...**
**4th photo captured by EJS Photo Works**
October 25, 2010
My Sensational Sensual Sensible journey thus far has me spreading my flogger and the kinky gospel to you and I thank you for being a receptive audience (give your beautiful asses a round of smacks).
Sincerely, I'm thanking every/anyone who has been indulging their kinky curiosity via me being your 'tour guide' on the adventures beyond the 'typical' moments. I had a most terrific time via the Safe Sane Sensorium of Sexuality earlier this month with wonderful hostesses Sheila Nichole Bradley & the miraculous Dr. S. Denise Chisolm who really made this a great experience.
As I continually bask and build in the afterglow of beautiful warm faces within a most delightful intimate atmosphere, I was elated to feel the joy of bestowing kinky knowledge with a hands on flair. I personally FEEL that discussions within the scope of sensuality (breaking down myths of Domination and bringing sensuality to the forefront) are equally as important as actually getting you the reader or in the case the great participants of an actual Sensible Sensual Work/Play-shop involved. I do hope the kinky candles, rope and all the other goodies purchased compliments of Sheila N. have been put to good use repeatedly ;o)
Of course all working play and no leisure play in the life makes these stories a bit on the bland side and so I can share with you a bit of adventure which is right on time with the upcoming elections (go get informed and participate in the upcoming local elections my little lovelies as these are equally (if not more) important as the BIG show (presidential election).
...and now a story from Kink-ville as it has been a while since I gave y'all something to clutch your pearls about ;o)
More often than not, there are adventures in kink/fetish; D/s, that are indeed a bit on the 'wild side' to some but so much fun to others and the 'golden' opportunity of 'marking ones territory' comes up (or goes down lol). Recently, I had a play-date off the clock with a few fine fun Dominas I associate with. Occasionally a friend of mine would have a informal gathering where she'd lend her personal kink slave for our entertainment of the Domme kind. This moment will be known as the 'Republican 'P' Party'. Now the only reason why is because this darling puppy just happened to be a it has not slight on whomever identifies with that 'set'.
Anyway, this particular owned puppy was a very good boy by being our loyal servant as we munched on assorted goodies and tasty libations with foot massages and other random acts of domestic servitude. While we all caught up with our worldly comings and goings, it was explained to us that he had a personal penchant with 'water sports' and for him being such a diligent submissive who succumbed to our whims (hard spankings, tease and denial, and a healthy heap of humiliation to boot) we were to reward him with our organic 'golden nectar'. This 'splash fest' was controlled for the most part as he assumed laying position looking upward of garter thigh highs and heels in full anticipation. We stood around and began one by one blessing the body with our gracious gold. His ambition almost made him drown at one point LOL (I know...I shouldn't be laughing but damnit it was funny)
Not to knock some of my 'sisters of Domme-ly debauchery' but I personally feel that if you engage in play of this magnitude, you should at least properly prepare by drinking a lot of water and/or one of my favorites; pineapple juice.
I'm just saying...Don't sleep on the power of the pineapple (or celery or even a honey baked ham sandwich if you eat the "other white meat") It makes the 'tasters choice' experience a bit easier on all parties involved. Nonetheless, a fun evening filled with comedy and warm 'womanly rains' was a great thing.
Priceless memories LOL. Speaking of edu-taining Kinstress memories, a wondrous query came across my keyboard recently by the ever engaging Arielle Loren via 'Ask Arielle' section of

You can read my fist full of words via the short article here
In between surfing in my own dualities and kinky consultations, I'm intently tinkering with the next GRAND EVENT ON SATURDAY 11/20/2010 better known as Urban Erotika in conjunction with For Her Eyes and Ears Only at Jordan's Lounge in Jersey City, NJ.

Advance tix sales via
Hey you curiously kinky one, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo
Audacity Of… © 2010
September 22, 2010
Nice Work If You Can Get It
Good ole Tony Bennett sang it best, "Nice Work If You Can Get It". YES shaking that money tree (climbing it occasionally but always keeping the grass watered around the base (aka my mind).
BUT before I get to my 'song n dance', I must say thank you in advance to dearest Abiola 'Passionista' Abrams and Kristal 'The Texas Dred' Mosley for inviting me to joyfully enter her world on L.S.D (Love, Sex, Dating and/or Drama). For those who have missed the edu-taining episode 15, please feel free to copy and paste this link underneath the photo and be ready to laugh along with us.
Grand Greetings Sultry Sensual Salutations once again dear kinksters & kinkstresses. Thank you for permitting me to detain your moments in time to read about a few ticks on my clock.
There are two main sentiments and/or queries I enthusiastically receive; "I want to be trained to be a Dominatrix." Or, "How can I make money being a Dominatrix."
I feel it's utterly necessary to at least begin the dialog now considering I'm gaining new audience members via this blog and I'm engaging in more exhibition play outside of the 'normal' BDSM scene such as my first home; Urban Erotika and other forums/stages I appear on.
Although I engage in Professional Domination partly for a living; I also indulge in this realm for the like/love and appreciation of the Art generally speaking. Some days I like it, but most days I love it. Like most 'jobs' people do I suppose. However, this is not something to be taken lightly whether private pleasure or public purveyor ship. There is A LOT of information (and mis-information) out there in the world and if someone is training with me (private/purveyor), I need to be responsible for myself as well as who I'm potentially bestowing vital information. It is a learning process for us both (as I can Graciously admit I do not know everything and I'm still perfecting my craft as time proceeds. Part of being a great teacher is also being a great student no matter how long you've been in the game.)
There are those within the 'lifestyle' who feel that Professional Dominants (or Professional submissives) ruin the 'organic nature' of Dominance. Not entirely true if you are in the know of the psychology and sensitive sensibilities surrounding this intimate area of 'expertise'. ESPECIALLY if you truly like/love what you're doing. I sometimes get flack for revealing that I purvey my brands of kink within some circles. Doesn't leave a warm and fuzzy feeling I can tell ya. I was at one event and I became figuratively surrounded by a barrage of questions from fellow Dominas asking, "how can you proclaim to be lifestyle if you're making money?" Are you here (at the party) to make money?" and all the other questions that become a hint more intrusive instead of delightful insightful banter between Dominas. Now I will admit I went to do a bit of research regarding how parties of this magnitude are created (vibes, general aesthetics I do have a silent goal to introduce BDSM/Kink to the broader spectrum audience (those who aren't in the life but want to dip their toes in the pool ;o) But I also went to the party to meet and greet fellow Dominas, play with selected submissives of interest and more so to get 'outdoors' so to speak considering that 'side' of me is in the open. Going to a 'regular' club with someone on a leash might not go over so well all the time. Sometimes you just want to be around like minds in an atmosphere that's conducive to letting your hair down (or leash lol).

BUT I slightly digress from the course of this blog. As I 'shake the money tree', there are the main thoughts I internally rock my whip to...
1 - Personal check on myself - personal head space. Knowing who and how I am first and foremost and always conducting a personal 'check and balance'. I DO NOT work under the influence of personal issues (going into a session overtly angry even if it's a ball busting wail on someone's ass incessantly) or anything else for that matter. I'm dealing with other people's lives inevitably and I NEED to be on point (even if some of the patrons are ignorant to that fact. Someone has to be the voice of reason especially if they're wishing experience my brand of Domination). Safe, Sane and Consensual play is very relative on all scales.
2 - Solicitation, sales and marketing - effective strategies in appropriate markets/forums. KNOWING your levels of expertise where and how to market yourself effectively. There's so many forums and I have to figure/factor those things.
3 - Psychology - mentally and physically. Gage, meet & greet of potential patrons. COMMUNICATING effectively in regards to what realms of their kink they are wishing to experience.
Wearing kick ass clothes and beating up on people IS NOT a reason to engage in this realm. Thinking this is some get money quick scheme IS NOT a reason to engage in this realm on a professional stance. That is if you intend on enjoying what you do. If you're thinking those things, you better sit your ass down and really rethink your reasons and what you wish to get out of it. If you 'come in' under those pretenses, you will not have a good time with it personally and especially professionally. Although fun, THIS IS A MENTALLY INCLINED style of life out of the many styles of life (aka lifestyles).
I am formulating teaching/training/hands on workshops seminars/webinars for those who want to know realms of kink/BDSM with those who are interested in either the personal play and/or professional sides. Please know, you must invest in yourself if you REALLY want to stretch your minds and grow in your kinky spirits.

NEXT MONTH SATURDAY 10/9, you can indulge your curiosity and join me your resident Kinktress along with the Grand Sexologist (no really she's officially an honorary P.H.D-er within human sexuality) Dr. S. Denise Chislom for a SEXXXY Edu-taining experience.(all pertinent information to be disclosed upon YOU confirming your attendance.)
Hey you curiously kinky one, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
BUT before I get to my 'song n dance', I must say thank you in advance to dearest Abiola 'Passionista' Abrams and Kristal 'The Texas Dred' Mosley for inviting me to joyfully enter her world on L.S.D (Love, Sex, Dating and/or Drama). For those who have missed the edu-taining episode 15, please feel free to copy and paste this link underneath the photo and be ready to laugh along with us.
Grand Greetings Sultry Sensual Salutations once again dear kinksters & kinkstresses. Thank you for permitting me to detain your moments in time to read about a few ticks on my clock.
There are two main sentiments and/or queries I enthusiastically receive; "I want to be trained to be a Dominatrix." Or, "How can I make money being a Dominatrix."
I feel it's utterly necessary to at least begin the dialog now considering I'm gaining new audience members via this blog and I'm engaging in more exhibition play outside of the 'normal' BDSM scene such as my first home; Urban Erotika and other forums/stages I appear on.
Although I engage in Professional Domination partly for a living; I also indulge in this realm for the like/love and appreciation of the Art generally speaking. Some days I like it, but most days I love it. Like most 'jobs' people do I suppose. However, this is not something to be taken lightly whether private pleasure or public purveyor ship. There is A LOT of information (and mis-information) out there in the world and if someone is training with me (private/purveyor), I need to be responsible for myself as well as who I'm potentially bestowing vital information. It is a learning process for us both (as I can Graciously admit I do not know everything and I'm still perfecting my craft as time proceeds. Part of being a great teacher is also being a great student no matter how long you've been in the game.)
There are those within the 'lifestyle' who feel that Professional Dominants (or Professional submissives) ruin the 'organic nature' of Dominance. Not entirely true if you are in the know of the psychology and sensitive sensibilities surrounding this intimate area of 'expertise'. ESPECIALLY if you truly like/love what you're doing. I sometimes get flack for revealing that I purvey my brands of kink within some circles. Doesn't leave a warm and fuzzy feeling I can tell ya. I was at one event and I became figuratively surrounded by a barrage of questions from fellow Dominas asking, "how can you proclaim to be lifestyle if you're making money?" Are you here (at the party) to make money?" and all the other questions that become a hint more intrusive instead of delightful insightful banter between Dominas. Now I will admit I went to do a bit of research regarding how parties of this magnitude are created (vibes, general aesthetics I do have a silent goal to introduce BDSM/Kink to the broader spectrum audience (those who aren't in the life but want to dip their toes in the pool ;o) But I also went to the party to meet and greet fellow Dominas, play with selected submissives of interest and more so to get 'outdoors' so to speak considering that 'side' of me is in the open. Going to a 'regular' club with someone on a leash might not go over so well all the time. Sometimes you just want to be around like minds in an atmosphere that's conducive to letting your hair down (or leash lol).
BUT I slightly digress from the course of this blog. As I 'shake the money tree', there are the main thoughts I internally rock my whip to...
1 - Personal check on myself - personal head space. Knowing who and how I am first and foremost and always conducting a personal 'check and balance'. I DO NOT work under the influence of personal issues (going into a session overtly angry even if it's a ball busting wail on someone's ass incessantly) or anything else for that matter. I'm dealing with other people's lives inevitably and I NEED to be on point (even if some of the patrons are ignorant to that fact. Someone has to be the voice of reason especially if they're wishing experience my brand of Domination). Safe, Sane and Consensual play is very relative on all scales.
2 - Solicitation, sales and marketing - effective strategies in appropriate markets/forums. KNOWING your levels of expertise where and how to market yourself effectively. There's so many forums and I have to figure/factor those things.
3 - Psychology - mentally and physically. Gage, meet & greet of potential patrons. COMMUNICATING effectively in regards to what realms of their kink they are wishing to experience.
Wearing kick ass clothes and beating up on people IS NOT a reason to engage in this realm. Thinking this is some get money quick scheme IS NOT a reason to engage in this realm on a professional stance. That is if you intend on enjoying what you do. If you're thinking those things, you better sit your ass down and really rethink your reasons and what you wish to get out of it. If you 'come in' under those pretenses, you will not have a good time with it personally and especially professionally. Although fun, THIS IS A MENTALLY INCLINED style of life out of the many styles of life (aka lifestyles).
I am formulating teaching/training/hands on workshops seminars/webinars for those who want to know realms of kink/BDSM with those who are interested in either the personal play and/or professional sides. Please know, you must invest in yourself if you REALLY want to stretch your minds and grow in your kinky spirits.

NEXT MONTH SATURDAY 10/9, you can indulge your curiosity and join me your resident Kinktress along with the Grand Sexologist (no really she's officially an honorary P.H.D-er within human sexuality) Dr. S. Denise Chislom for a SEXXXY Edu-taining experience.(all pertinent information to be disclosed upon YOU confirming your attendance.)
Hey you curiously kinky one, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
September 7, 2010
Processing Thoughts - Dungeon Dance
Top Mid or Bottom of the day to you and thank you for visiting yet another fine moment of The Domme Diaries. My multidimensional musings are brought to you by the good creators of coffee. Yep, 'they sleep we grind' is a Living Artist's motto and I can attest to that. I can't help it if I wanted to. I enjoy funneling, feeding, and feeling the energies that make these moments possible.
If you're a new subscriber/follower of The Domme Diaries, a most sincere welcome to this part of kink-ville where I enthusiastically share my thoughts, deeds and experiences with your lovely eyes and perhaps your partially virginal mind.
In this 'Domme Diary' entry, I'll be taking you on a short 'school' trip. Destination, Dungeon town (why is the song "Funky Town" moving through my head at this moment? ;o). In this realm of purveyor-ship/style of life, when I suggest to a potential client that a Dungeon space can be utilized if they cannot host or meeting greeting and beating for whatever 'personal' reasons, I'm often met with opposition to the notion. Being an Independent Pro-Domme, I've always asked why and the responses I usually receive are "Dungeons are so commercial" Or, "I'm scared that we're not really playing in private." Or, "I just don't like it". Some/most of these potential playmates haven't even ventured inside an actual Dungeon. They are solely going off of notions of 'lack of an intimate experience'. Or some/most of the 'resident Dominas' lack the proper training/personality mentally and instrumentally. There's a few other random thoughts that may be partially valid, but for me personally; the people I encounter simply do not understand or rather they are ignorant the workings of a proper Dungeon experience in general.
ah nothing says 'higher learning' than a short Dungeon room tour set to classical music ;o)
Legal Eagles and the commerce of Dungeons
There have been many tales of wow and woe hit quite a few areas of 'commercial' Dungeons over the years due to irresponsible actions/judgments of a few Dominas/Management. In my personal opinion, it's the 'decency laws' (state/country laws vary) that place fantasy clubs that do not engage in sexual intercourse per say, but attempt to dictate what inevitably goes on in (and outside)appropriate venues. Even in your very own personal bedrooms. Unfortunately, quite a few Dungeons have had issues of mis-guided/Mis-informed Mistresses and mis-used facilities where most management/owners only care about the 'bottom line$'. When Dungeons are shut down, usually it's because someone made a grave mistake out of financial desperation for whatever reason and a case was built up against the facilities to begin with. The BDSM/Kink community is rather 'small' in the more tight knit hardcore circles and it can be a viral blemish that's hard to bounce back from. From a legal standpoint, sex workers (yes Professional Domination falls under that category and double jeopardy ensues when very unfavorable things happen as most things if done for monetary reasons is deemed prostitution. One most definitely must be abreast of the working laws applicable in your state/city. A lot of the laws are not clear cut (or easily researched quite frankly) and with more and more 'Dominas' who are NOT really in it for the ART &/or the self expression of KINK D/s, the more terrible mishaps occur. This makes it extremely difficult for Dommes like myself who innately have it within them and wish to venture into kink whether personally or professionally. As some of these 'laws' can cross over into the personal space as well. There has been quite a few cases where couples have played in the 'privacy' of their own homes only to be penalized and ostracized by the judicial system.
Nonetheless, most Dungeons often times provide a neutral private play space for both Dominants and submissives. They also enable both parties to become engulfed in the fantasy/scene they want to experience. There are quite a few across the country that are safe, well maintained and efficiently equipped for most safe sane and consensual play either in the 'lifestyle' and 'Professional' realms. Most are located discreetly in fairly accessible commercial buildings upon following proper protocol such as placing an appointment to either be serviced by resident Dominas. Or in certain Dungeons, you can rent space out by the hour for a private session with an Independent Domina (or couples).
Hmmm I foresee a Dungeon visit in the near future as it's been a little while since I've been on that dance floor ;o)
Hey you curiously kinky one, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where random Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**last photo captured by Devin Allen for Devin Allen Photography**
August 26, 2010
Nothing As Good As the First Time...
Is an old saying, a lyric in countless songs and anywhere else you can recall hearing this sentiment.
This doesn't always reign true. In particular, the Head Master, Artist, Maverick and Sensual ring leader of us Soulful Children of Eros; Mo Beasley's Urban Erotika teamed up with the fabulous 'Head Doctor' Dr. S.Denise Chisholm of For Her Eyes & Ears Only for another GREAT Verbally Sensual and Kinky moment in time.
The 'Head Master' brought us out to Jordan's Lounge in Jersey City to celebrate Eros as we only know how to indulge in her through the portals of Sensual Artistic Sex-pression.
If you recall one of my DD entries where I was gearing up to perform at my first UE event, I was having such a time finding an open minded participant for my segment of the show. Oh how the Universe opens up sometimes...Maybe not when you need it but right on time nonetheless. It's all in the asking I suppose, but I digress. I discovered a wonderful friend who didn't mind participating and lending his darling canvas for a moment of spanking, candle play and as an added feature; light/polite knife play (expertise and trust required) ;o)

I enjoy expressing my brand of Sensual Art and bringing new kinksters into the fold of some areas of play I indulge in. If all else I mainly enjoy reaching out to those and letting them see that kink D/s play is something most adults can enjoy safely as there are many intimate layers within that style of life and beyond for that matter pertaining to Human Sexuality (and Sensuality).
There is a wonderful purposeful intent I had in mind when I decided to share this part of my duality. Besides exploring the Artistic side of myself via writing/kink exhibition and other realms; I'd truly like to further sensually and sensibly enrich those who are truly interested in the many shades of BDSM/Kink by conducting workshops (hands on exercises etc...please stay turned for those Domme-liciously Kinky moments in time)
Hey there, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where the Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo
Audacity Of… © 2010
**moments captured by Abigail Ekue**

The 'Head Master' brought us out to Jordan's Lounge in Jersey City to celebrate Eros as we only know how to indulge in her through the portals of Sensual Artistic Sex-pression.
If you recall one of my DD entries where I was gearing up to perform at my first UE event, I was having such a time finding an open minded participant for my segment of the show. Oh how the Universe opens up sometimes...Maybe not when you need it but right on time nonetheless. It's all in the asking I suppose, but I digress. I discovered a wonderful friend who didn't mind participating and lending his darling canvas for a moment of spanking, candle play and as an added feature; light/polite knife play (expertise and trust required) ;o)

I enjoy expressing my brand of Sensual Art and bringing new kinksters into the fold of some areas of play I indulge in. If all else I mainly enjoy reaching out to those and letting them see that kink D/s play is something most adults can enjoy safely as there are many intimate layers within that style of life and beyond for that matter pertaining to Human Sexuality (and Sensuality).
There is a wonderful purposeful intent I had in mind when I decided to share this part of my duality. Besides exploring the Artistic side of myself via writing/kink exhibition and other realms; I'd truly like to further sensually and sensibly enrich those who are truly interested in the many shades of BDSM/Kink by conducting workshops (hands on exercises etc...please stay turned for those Domme-liciously Kinky moments in time)
Hey there, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there where the Audaciousness continues. Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo
Audacity Of… © 2010
**moments captured by Abigail Ekue**
Art Erotica,
July 11, 2010
Back In The Saddle
Top/Mid/Bottom of the day to you contingent upon when you're reading this. This Domme is slightly fatigued these days to be honest with you. Summer heat, maintaining a social balance, perplexing work schedules and just wanting to excel to the next level of my ambitious Kink-dom has me a bit occupied.

Nonetheless, I'm still enjoying my realm as I spank myself into motion. I've managed to muster up a anecdote to titillate, stimulate or perhaps just put your brain on 'oh shit' mode for a moment.
Buckem Bronco is who I am in this particular tale lol. Some of you may remember the 'Real Sex' episode on HBO (many many and one more many years ago) with the 'Pony Ranch' where there were men and women who dressed up as horses and were either being trained and actually ridden via back or shoulders. Or you can just view this clip for a visual refresher compliments of the Museum of Sex if you're unsure about what I'm talking about. Please click this link href="">
Yes, there are people (men and women) who are so much into the Equestrian Arts that they themselves wish to transfer/transmit and emulate feelings of being the horse. Being an Celestial Centaur aka Sagittarius, I can somewhat relate to the spirit of horses but I digress... From what I gathered through experience, it isn't about the sex of horseplay (people having sex with horses is GROSS in MY SANE opinion). But it does have to do with the mentality and physically being catered to and 'controlled' by the 'superior'. Although real life horses have the strength of many many Woman (&/or men), they submit themselves within trusting hands of their desired/chosen 'Masters'. The same kind of sensibility applies when engaging in this kind of play with another human. It's within the 'performance' of adorning the riding props (bridles, brow bands, reins, saddles and of course my favorite tool a ridding crop) on to the submissive. To engage in this kind of play as well as all forms of role playing scenarios, the Domme/Dom has to be able to exhibit and execute the emotional transference of this kind of play.
I had a most interesting session a few moons ago with a gent who wanted 'Pony Play'.
Here's his lovely letter to thee...
Dear Goddess,
I enjoyed reading your ad and I can tell you are someone of great stature by your photos and written demeanor. I'm usually very dominant on the outside but I have this fetish that brings me great joy and I'd like to experience it with you. I'm SM (single male), early 40's, good body and very respectful. I enjoy lift and carry sessions, spankings, boot worship, and horse play. I noticed you're into leash and collar puppy play but I wonder if you like horses? I have a lot of my own gear so that wouldn't be a problem. I just like to have a strong Black Goddess' on my back while she commands me to do whatever she wants.
Please let me know if this is something you desire.
Your Pleasure Pony
I often times compare my Spirit to a horse roaming the fields, gazing and grazing at the possibilities of life lol. I thought to myself that this could be fun if he can indeed be the proper horse. I remember being a little girl getting pony rides from my uncles, but this was far from those fond childhood memories ;o) I'm a tall woman and have a solid physic so I wondered just how this was going to play out since I only saw the potential pony boy via photo.
The day came to finally see my little pony and he was indeed a bit smaller than me lol. I'm 5'11 and he was 5'7". So I knew I was in for a comically delightful session of sorts. He definitely didn't disappoint with the equestrian equipment. We started off with a very naked 'pony'. What naked pony isn't complete with one of these too.
My pony was very receptive of my grooming techniques. Washing and grooming his mane and body which was indeed very nice AND it helped with a head full of dark hair. Brought us both to the space of horse and Master. I adorned him with a leather cockstrap, saddle, bridle etc... However him being as short as he was, the stirrups/spurs proved to be a bit much but he said he could handle it. After the ritual grooming and dressing, (sans hooves lol) I mounted my pony and initially his knees buckled. Can you just imagine me on the back of a guy who's a bit smaller than me. I'm not light on my ass mind you. After he/we got our bearings, my small but relatively strong pony began to 'gallop' around his house (he had ample space for this kind of play). We started off slow and graduated to a nice pace with the help of me cropping his ass and even lightly sticking him with my spurs. At one point I had to break the pony down because he almost threw me off his back. We ended our session kind of the same way we started, with me dismounting, dismantling and him drinking water out of a troff and nursing his rug burns LOL.
He and I had a great time with this particular role play. As I stated a couple of entries back, I'm not a Shakespearean kind of role playing Woman. But this one is indeed one of my favorites. Plus I look good in ass-less chaps ;o) (no picture of that yet dear voyeurs)
Hey there, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Nonetheless, I'm still enjoying my realm as I spank myself into motion. I've managed to muster up a anecdote to titillate, stimulate or perhaps just put your brain on 'oh shit' mode for a moment.
Buckem Bronco is who I am in this particular tale lol. Some of you may remember the 'Real Sex' episode on HBO (many many and one more many years ago) with the 'Pony Ranch' where there were men and women who dressed up as horses and were either being trained and actually ridden via back or shoulders. Or you can just view this clip for a visual refresher compliments of the Museum of Sex if you're unsure about what I'm talking about. Please click this link href="">
Yes, there are people (men and women) who are so much into the Equestrian Arts that they themselves wish to transfer/transmit and emulate feelings of being the horse. Being an Celestial Centaur aka Sagittarius, I can somewhat relate to the spirit of horses but I digress... From what I gathered through experience, it isn't about the sex of horseplay (people having sex with horses is GROSS in MY SANE opinion). But it does have to do with the mentality and physically being catered to and 'controlled' by the 'superior'. Although real life horses have the strength of many many Woman (&/or men), they submit themselves within trusting hands of their desired/chosen 'Masters'. The same kind of sensibility applies when engaging in this kind of play with another human. It's within the 'performance' of adorning the riding props (bridles, brow bands, reins, saddles and of course my favorite tool a ridding crop) on to the submissive. To engage in this kind of play as well as all forms of role playing scenarios, the Domme/Dom has to be able to exhibit and execute the emotional transference of this kind of play.

Here's his lovely letter to thee...
Dear Goddess,
I enjoyed reading your ad and I can tell you are someone of great stature by your photos and written demeanor. I'm usually very dominant on the outside but I have this fetish that brings me great joy and I'd like to experience it with you. I'm SM (single male), early 40's, good body and very respectful. I enjoy lift and carry sessions, spankings, boot worship, and horse play. I noticed you're into leash and collar puppy play but I wonder if you like horses? I have a lot of my own gear so that wouldn't be a problem. I just like to have a strong Black Goddess' on my back while she commands me to do whatever she wants.
Please let me know if this is something you desire.
Your Pleasure Pony
I often times compare my Spirit to a horse roaming the fields, gazing and grazing at the possibilities of life lol. I thought to myself that this could be fun if he can indeed be the proper horse. I remember being a little girl getting pony rides from my uncles, but this was far from those fond childhood memories ;o) I'm a tall woman and have a solid physic so I wondered just how this was going to play out since I only saw the potential pony boy via photo.
The day came to finally see my little pony and he was indeed a bit smaller than me lol. I'm 5'11 and he was 5'7". So I knew I was in for a comically delightful session of sorts. He definitely didn't disappoint with the equestrian equipment. We started off with a very naked 'pony'. What naked pony isn't complete with one of these too.

He and I had a great time with this particular role play. As I stated a couple of entries back, I'm not a Shakespearean kind of role playing Woman. But this one is indeed one of my favorites. Plus I look good in ass-less chaps ;o) (no picture of that yet dear voyeurs)
Hey there, I'm actually Twitter friendly. Feel free to find me there Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘The Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.

"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo
June 24, 2010
Post Urban Erotika Fun
Don't fret Darlings. I'm gearing my head space for more Domme Diary shenanigans and thoughtful musings regarding the life and times in kinky-ville.
However, I must say that I had a spankaliciously wonderful time gracing the sexy sensual stage with an award winning performance poet, educator, author, and public speaker; the 'Headmaster' Mo Beasley and the rest of the very outrageously talented Urban Erotika family. Although, I'm more accustomed to exhibiting my brand of 'light hearted' play at more Fetish inclined events; I'm definitely into spreading the gospel on different genres of sex positive thinking, doing, and being. It was indeed a lovely environment to branch off into as I am a Living Artist as well as a Dominatrix.
I also must give a loving thank you to Madame 'ER' who came through in a pinch or in this case a spank ;o) Thank you dearest for lending me your beautiful bottom for a glorious event.

As I swim in the fishbowl of the world, I'll continue onward with my tales of triumphs, follies, and tantalizing tidbits shortly.
In the meantime my darling loud and proud or seductively silent sensual ones, be good to yourselves and each other.
Please feel free to follow me via Twitter Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself, and enjoy the memories" - Aura Dynamo

I guess I inspired him - The 'Domme' got spanked by the 'Headmaster' LOL
Audacity Of… © 2010
**moments captured by Neil Tandy of Image Photographers**
However, I must say that I had a spankaliciously wonderful time gracing the sexy sensual stage with an award winning performance poet, educator, author, and public speaker; the 'Headmaster' Mo Beasley and the rest of the very outrageously talented Urban Erotika family. Although, I'm more accustomed to exhibiting my brand of 'light hearted' play at more Fetish inclined events; I'm definitely into spreading the gospel on different genres of sex positive thinking, doing, and being. It was indeed a lovely environment to branch off into as I am a Living Artist as well as a Dominatrix.
I also must give a loving thank you to Madame 'ER' who came through in a pinch or in this case a spank ;o) Thank you dearest for lending me your beautiful bottom for a glorious event.

As I swim in the fishbowl of the world, I'll continue onward with my tales of triumphs, follies, and tantalizing tidbits shortly.
In the meantime my darling loud and proud or seductively silent sensual ones, be good to yourselves and each other.
Please feel free to follow me via Twitter Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself, and enjoy the memories" - Aura Dynamo

I guess I inspired him - The 'Domme' got spanked by the 'Headmaster' LOL
Audacity Of… © 2010
**moments captured by Neil Tandy of Image Photographers**
June 2, 2010
Aesthetics/Inner/Outer Race Relations & Kink/BDSM Part 1
Hola como esta dear kinksters. Cheers to the ones loud and proud and those who remain underground with their brand of sexy. Sincere Thank You for those that have allowed me to detain your senses and hopefully edu-tained you about some things dealing with Kink/BDSM and how I rock with it.
I'm just going to get right to it.
This subject has dominated my mind for quite some time and I didn't (and still am unsure) about how to approach it. I'm somewhat in a heavy rush to seek out exhibition participants for Urban Erotika Saturday 6/19 Bowery Poetry Cafe...see flyer at the end of this entry or the last one (Percussion Play aka Spankings) Or check facebook/twitter/skype etc..
I tend to personally separate kink into the category of folks who just like certain fetishes and things done to/with them vs folks who are into the style of life (lifestyle of BDSM which contains many layers the same as a 'vanilla' relationship. Trust, Loyalty, Open Communication etc).
However, as I'm trying to search for a partner or partners with an 'open mind' for this kind of play and in this case Men of Color...It leaves me wondering,
where are all the brothers who like to play??
Where are the brothers I'm interested in, who are interested in kink/BDSM from a switch/submissive perspective (in the bedroom at least)?
I mean there's brothers who surely don't mind being (or proclaiming) they're Dominants within BDSM or abroad. As I look up the few African American Kink/Fetish/BDSM websites and random chat rooms across the map, I'm personally not enthused with the results (or there lack of)on the submission side of things.

I continually gain knowledge regarding the psychology surrounding being sensually submissive and what it means for some/most Black Men on a regular daily living basis to societal counter parts. This IS NOT a blog about that. This is a journal entry solely pertaining to kink/sex/sensibility/sensuality and BDSM in particular questioning 'our' (Black) presence in this area of play/lifestyle. I just figure you have sex and how you enjoy being/doing your thing is one of the few places where you can/should be free with your sexy selves. Or am I living in a sweet sticky nasty fantasy in my own brain regarding this.
I've danced around this subject considerably because it's so much to think about outside of the kink-room/Dungeon nonetheless in it. I'm almost certain I'm going to probably make a small series of thoughts/blogs on this part of The Domme Diaries. Race the first and maybe last frontier (or smoke-screen in my opinion). It's 2010 ya'll and this very subject still reigns supreme. Even in this realm. I'm going to just cover the basic cookie aka Black and White. Yes, there's other races that get in and carry on, but since I'm a Black woman, I can only express the nuances and my viewpoint from this perspective. Perhaps some thoughts will seem neutral. Others will seem down right one way. You dissect it the way you chose. Remember perception is the big deception often times. All we have is nuance of experience. Or mislead misguided thoughts from folks who haven't even bothered to venture into their sexuality/sensuality/sensitivity and sensibility in this realm and/or beyond.
BUT let me try to grab a hold of the subject at hand...
There's a moment of aesthetic attraction as we all know. Some/most white guys just don't do it for me. I guess you can say the sexy white guy syndrome is the same effect as the general aesthetic of the beautiful [Black] Woman syndrome. TV has dictated what's a good looking white dude to me. If there were a bunch of Brad Pitts or even George Clooneys into kink; my 'job' would certainly have it's dilemmas of fraternization with the 'client' past our session space. BUT it often times doesn't as I don't even have to fantasize about crossing those lines. Aesthetically, I'm not into 92% of the men who seek a kink facilitator (me). More importantly, there's a innate sensibility with 'my own' as oppose to 'the other'. Some simple questions like, "Your hair looks interesting, can I touch it?" just isn't part of the dialog with 'my own' counterparts. I'm accustomed to being in the 'looking glass' on that aspect, but I don't want that 'showroom' feeling during my more personal interactions.
Outside of that sentiment, there's the questions about what role Black men attaining a conscious sensibility about their own sexuality. Leaving room to be open with respect to their own ideas on what sex for them is/can be. Not too long ago I expressed the notion of receiving head from someone can be deemed as Dominant to one of my 'brothers'. I told him from the time she has decided to have intimate relations with you, she is already the Dominant. When she decides to indulge you as well as herself in a bit of 'organic mic talk' aka getting/giving head, you are no longer the Dominant. A seemingly 'submissive' act isn't that at all.(or he if applicable as my blogs aren't read by just hetero folk and it's important to cover ALL bases. There are lovely gay/lesbian players in Kink/BDSM too) because if she bites down, that's it! Sexy game over. So she (or he) kinda has you at their whim. Dare I say/admit there's definitive power with being a submissive at least in this retrospect.
The ratio of black submissives vs white who seek me out personally or professionally is staggering. Could this be the syndrome/notion of "white girls/guys are easy"? I mean all we see is the 'freely freaky liberated white' for the most part in sexual sensual situations. When you watch white porn do you associate them with 'having fun' vs black porn 'they're in it for the check' Or could it be that 'they' are just open to things because of their lack of sexual oppression (public or personal).
One can sit here and break down the white man vs white woman and how they communicate sexually. Black man vs black woman and how they communicate sexually. According to how I view it through nuances of experiences. That is a whole other chapter in the 'Diaries'.
Makes me really think about how 'our' past as Black People has rendered us paralyzed in many facets and in this case something as amazingly pleasurable as sexuality and more so sensuality and all the different sensibilities surrounding it.
Definitely to be continued....
Please save the date Saturday 6/19/10 at the Bowery Poetry Club in NYC. I will be having a bit of spanking fun at Urban Erotika.

If you're an adult (as only adults should be reading TDD), and truly enjoy your biggest sex organ played with (YOUR BRAIN). Please feel free to come and join us at this very sex positive event. Embrace the sensible and sexual Art within.
please feel free to follow me via Twitter Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**photos captured by Devin Allen**
I'm just going to get right to it.
This subject has dominated my mind for quite some time and I didn't (and still am unsure) about how to approach it. I'm somewhat in a heavy rush to seek out exhibition participants for Urban Erotika Saturday 6/19 Bowery Poetry Cafe...see flyer at the end of this entry or the last one (Percussion Play aka Spankings) Or check facebook/twitter/skype etc..
I tend to personally separate kink into the category of folks who just like certain fetishes and things done to/with them vs folks who are into the style of life (lifestyle of BDSM which contains many layers the same as a 'vanilla' relationship. Trust, Loyalty, Open Communication etc).
However, as I'm trying to search for a partner or partners with an 'open mind' for this kind of play and in this case Men of Color...It leaves me wondering,
where are all the brothers who like to play??
Where are the brothers I'm interested in, who are interested in kink/BDSM from a switch/submissive perspective (in the bedroom at least)?
I mean there's brothers who surely don't mind being (or proclaiming) they're Dominants within BDSM or abroad. As I look up the few African American Kink/Fetish/BDSM websites and random chat rooms across the map, I'm personally not enthused with the results (or there lack of)on the submission side of things.

I continually gain knowledge regarding the psychology surrounding being sensually submissive and what it means for some/most Black Men on a regular daily living basis to societal counter parts. This IS NOT a blog about that. This is a journal entry solely pertaining to kink/sex/sensibility/sensuality and BDSM in particular questioning 'our' (Black) presence in this area of play/lifestyle. I just figure you have sex and how you enjoy being/doing your thing is one of the few places where you can/should be free with your sexy selves. Or am I living in a sweet sticky nasty fantasy in my own brain regarding this.
I've danced around this subject considerably because it's so much to think about outside of the kink-room/Dungeon nonetheless in it. I'm almost certain I'm going to probably make a small series of thoughts/blogs on this part of The Domme Diaries. Race the first and maybe last frontier (or smoke-screen in my opinion). It's 2010 ya'll and this very subject still reigns supreme. Even in this realm. I'm going to just cover the basic cookie aka Black and White. Yes, there's other races that get in and carry on, but since I'm a Black woman, I can only express the nuances and my viewpoint from this perspective. Perhaps some thoughts will seem neutral. Others will seem down right one way. You dissect it the way you chose. Remember perception is the big deception often times. All we have is nuance of experience. Or mislead misguided thoughts from folks who haven't even bothered to venture into their sexuality/sensuality/sensitivity and sensibility in this realm and/or beyond.
BUT let me try to grab a hold of the subject at hand...
There's a moment of aesthetic attraction as we all know. Some/most white guys just don't do it for me. I guess you can say the sexy white guy syndrome is the same effect as the general aesthetic of the beautiful [Black] Woman syndrome. TV has dictated what's a good looking white dude to me. If there were a bunch of Brad Pitts or even George Clooneys into kink; my 'job' would certainly have it's dilemmas of fraternization with the 'client' past our session space. BUT it often times doesn't as I don't even have to fantasize about crossing those lines. Aesthetically, I'm not into 92% of the men who seek a kink facilitator (me). More importantly, there's a innate sensibility with 'my own' as oppose to 'the other'. Some simple questions like, "Your hair looks interesting, can I touch it?" just isn't part of the dialog with 'my own' counterparts. I'm accustomed to being in the 'looking glass' on that aspect, but I don't want that 'showroom' feeling during my more personal interactions.
Outside of that sentiment, there's the questions about what role Black men attaining a conscious sensibility about their own sexuality. Leaving room to be open with respect to their own ideas on what sex for them is/can be. Not too long ago I expressed the notion of receiving head from someone can be deemed as Dominant to one of my 'brothers'. I told him from the time she has decided to have intimate relations with you, she is already the Dominant. When she decides to indulge you as well as herself in a bit of 'organic mic talk' aka getting/giving head, you are no longer the Dominant. A seemingly 'submissive' act isn't that at all.(or he if applicable as my blogs aren't read by just hetero folk and it's important to cover ALL bases. There are lovely gay/lesbian players in Kink/BDSM too) because if she bites down, that's it! Sexy game over. So she (or he) kinda has you at their whim. Dare I say/admit there's definitive power with being a submissive at least in this retrospect.
The ratio of black submissives vs white who seek me out personally or professionally is staggering. Could this be the syndrome/notion of "white girls/guys are easy"? I mean all we see is the 'freely freaky liberated white' for the most part in sexual sensual situations. When you watch white porn do you associate them with 'having fun' vs black porn 'they're in it for the check' Or could it be that 'they' are just open to things because of their lack of sexual oppression (public or personal).
One can sit here and break down the white man vs white woman and how they communicate sexually. Black man vs black woman and how they communicate sexually. According to how I view it through nuances of experiences. That is a whole other chapter in the 'Diaries'.
Makes me really think about how 'our' past as Black People has rendered us paralyzed in many facets and in this case something as amazingly pleasurable as sexuality and more so sensuality and all the different sensibilities surrounding it.
Definitely to be continued....
Please save the date Saturday 6/19/10 at the Bowery Poetry Club in NYC. I will be having a bit of spanking fun at Urban Erotika.

If you're an adult (as only adults should be reading TDD), and truly enjoy your biggest sex organ played with (YOUR BRAIN). Please feel free to come and join us at this very sex positive event. Embrace the sensible and sexual Art within.
please feel free to follow me via Twitter Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo. Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
**photos captured by Devin Allen**
May 16, 2010
Organic Percussion Play/aka Spankings ;o)
I remember when I use to get spankings from the original Domme aka my Mother. Oh how I hooted and hollered. Danced & wiggled around uncontrollably while she took that leather belt to my ass for some random infraction that I’m almost certain I was deserving of (lol). Many suns and moons later I’m in a most compromising position (having sex) and I discover that I enjoy a sexy ass slap (a few sexy firm ones more-so). I definitely can relate to the submissive side of pleasure pain transference and spankings. On occasion if I feel myself spinning into a stratos of 'big-headed-ness' or my anxiety is off the chart; a great spanking or flogging brings me 'back to earth'. As I’ve stated early on within this series, I am a Dommissive (a bit on the ‘sub’ side in my personal life these days as I do not have a qualm with myself to admit that.) Some Dominas and/or submissives find that contradictory to the D/s scene. “How can you be both?” is a question that I’ve been approached with occasionally when I express my brand of Domination. My assertive reply, “Dominance for me is about owning up to my own triumphs and follies. Checking and rechecking my emotions and thoughts. Bringing forth whatever it is I decide to do in my own style of life. To be a woman who Dominates her own existence. I just happen to like/enjoy kinky/fetishisms along the way under the umbrella of sensible sensual sexuality in a not so secular way. This separates me from most Dommes who simply perform.

Are there dickheads who attempt to either waste my time or forget they’re dealing with another human with the basic level of decorum? I’m sure my previous entries can answer that for you (lol). However, I mostly come across various sensible men (and very seldom women) who have pent up stresses or inner emotions that they feel they cannot tell anyone else. I’m present and accounted for the gent who may want to explore things with his spouse but hasn’t figured out his own personal qualms about ‘I’m unsure I want my wife to do this to me.” Or they don’t even know if they can bring up such discussions of their kink. If only for a moment, can they let go and be ‘free’ so to speak in the realm of their sensuality and kink-dom. I recall this one gentleman who said he didn’t feel alive in his everyday life and my spankings provided him with an outlet to be free through the wondrous stinging of a flogger across his ass. I guess you can say I beat the life into him ;o)
With that being said, as I'll always say, if you've ever indulged in a good sexy spanking in your bedroom from your trusting companion; you've entered Kink-ville.
Speaking of Adventures in Kink-ville, Please save the date Saturday 6/19/10 at the Bowery Poetry Club in NYC. I will be having a bit of spanking fun at Urban Erotika.
Lots of great performers sharing themselves and their brand of Sensual/Sex Positive Art to titillate and tantalize the sensual senses ;o)
More updates on that in the upcoming weeks leading to the Fantastic Sexy Spectacular event.
please feel free to follow me via Twitter Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo, however one can never be too sure (lol) Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010

Are there dickheads who attempt to either waste my time or forget they’re dealing with another human with the basic level of decorum? I’m sure my previous entries can answer that for you (lol). However, I mostly come across various sensible men (and very seldom women) who have pent up stresses or inner emotions that they feel they cannot tell anyone else. I’m present and accounted for the gent who may want to explore things with his spouse but hasn’t figured out his own personal qualms about ‘I’m unsure I want my wife to do this to me.” Or they don’t even know if they can bring up such discussions of their kink. If only for a moment, can they let go and be ‘free’ so to speak in the realm of their sensuality and kink-dom. I recall this one gentleman who said he didn’t feel alive in his everyday life and my spankings provided him with an outlet to be free through the wondrous stinging of a flogger across his ass. I guess you can say I beat the life into him ;o)
With that being said, as I'll always say, if you've ever indulged in a good sexy spanking in your bedroom from your trusting companion; you've entered Kink-ville.
Speaking of Adventures in Kink-ville, Please save the date Saturday 6/19/10 at the Bowery Poetry Club in NYC. I will be having a bit of spanking fun at Urban Erotika.

Lots of great performers sharing themselves and their brand of Sensual/Sex Positive Art to titillate and tantalize the sensual senses ;o)
More updates on that in the upcoming weeks leading to the Fantastic Sexy Spectacular event.
please feel free to follow me via Twitter Also, you can find me via Face Book under Aura Dynamo if we’re not connected already. Don't forget to send a message when you make that 'friend request'. At least I'll know where ya found me. If you can't find me, leave your FB name/profile at so I can find you.
Delightful Disclaimer – ‘Domme Diaries' may or may not always be direct adventures of Aura Dynamo, however one can never be too sure (lol) Names, dates and anything else that might prove otherwise have been omitted to protect some of the innocent and a few idiots.
"Go do something Audacious with yourself and enjoy the memories!" - Aura Dynamo

Audacity Of… © 2010
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